How to Prevent Roof Condensation Before Winter Comes

Roof condensation occurs when the rising hot air in the attic meets cooler outdoor temperatures. The water can also get trapped between the roof and the insulation. The leading causes of this problem are improper ventilation and faulty workmanship during a roof repair or replacement.

Prevent Roof Condensation Before Winter

Here are ways to prepare your roof for the winter to prevent condensation-related problems.

What Happens When You Ignore This Problem?

It can take some time before the signs of condensation-related problems start to manifest. If your roof is suffering from condensation issues, you’ll soon notice signs of water damage appearing in the attic and then spreading into your ceilings and walls. Condensation can compromise the structural integrity of your roof if it reaches the trusses and rafters.

When a roof repair isn’t performed immediately, water can infiltrate the insulation and other permeable components of your home. Moisture can cause mold and mildew growth, which can trigger allergic reactions and put your household at risk of respiratory health issues.

How to Prevent Roof Condensation

Ensuring proper ventilation is essential in preventing condensation in the roof. With sufficient ventilation, your roof remains protected against water infiltration and it also encourages proper air circulation that lets warm air escape.

Warm air can easily enter the attic through bad light sealing, poor chimney access, and bathroom exhaust fans. Prevent air leaks through these areas by making sure your exhaust vents are routed outdoors and have leaks sealed and insulated properly. Blown-in fiberglass insulation will expand and contract with temperature changes while still permitting good ventilation.

McGuire Roofing & Construction is one of your leading roofing contractors. Our team specializes in different roofing materials. We have been providing superior roofing services for more than 25 years. Call us at 865-338-7663 or complete our online form to get a free estimate. We cater to homeowners in Maryville and Oak Ridge TN.



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